45 more people have died on Kentucky roads compared to last year

On behalf of Dickman Law Offices, P.S.C. posted in Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents on Monday, July 23, 2012

More than 400 people have died on Kentucky roads since the start of this year. In fact, 45 more fatalities have occurred compared to last year at this time. According to the Kentucky State Police, between July 9 and July 15, 15 people died in 15 different accidents.

State police say alcohol was a factor in at least two of the fatal accidents. However, driver negligence likely played a part in nearly all of the accidents. Sadly, most accidents are preventable. When people are inattentive, reckless and under the influence of alcohol or drugs, terrible tragedies can occur.

In a split second, a person’s life can be forever changed. Injuries that people sustain in a car accident can be devastating. Many times those injuries are fatal.

It may be difficult for family members to move forward after they have lost a loved one in an accident. However, they have legal options they can pursue.

Family members may wish to file a wrongful death lawsuit against any negligent parties. In addition to providing them with a sense of justice, a lawsuit may also help ease any financial burdens. The money that is awarded through a wrongful death lawsuit can be used to pay medical and funeral expenses as well as make up for any lost wages.

As evidenced by the recent numbers released by the Kentucky State Police, motor vehicle accidents are happening all too frequently on Kentucky roads. Drivers must remember that a motor vehicle is not a toy. By remaining attentive, following traffic laws and avoiding alcohol or drugs, drivers can help prevent terrible tragedies from occurring.

Source: Kentucky Post, “Fifteen die on Kentucky roadways,” July 16, 2012

Posted in: Car Accidents, Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury